Anime is one of the biggest things in our world right now and for a good reason. They tell incredible stories that are fresh, fun, weird, insane, sometimes incredibly violent, and other times they’re…uh…let’s just say “sensual” and leave it at that, okay? Anyway, certain anime are so good that they were eventually brought into the video game space to help give fans new ways to experience the stories and characters. If you’re a fan of the Forger family and have a Nintendo Switch, then you’ll want to try out SPYxANYA: Operation Memories, which has just launched today and even got a fun trailer for its arrival!
In SPYxANYA: Operation Memories, you’ll play as the one and only Anya Forger, the incredible psychic who is always up for helping her parents, even if she doesn’t fully understand what’s going on or how she can help them. She’s nothing if not gung-ho, even if she isn’t the brightest bulb in the bunch.
Anyway, the game focuses on a school project that features Anya trying to take photos to make memories that she has with her “parents,” Loid and Yor. During the daytime, you’ll attend class at a prestigious academy where Anya is technically undercover. Then, when night comes, you’ll hang out with the Forger’s and make memories alongside them.
Key to the game isn’t just photography, but mini-games. You’ll have multiple ways to play with Anya and the other Forgers; you’ll even get to be them in special situations, like Yor unleashing her assassin abilities on thugs! Plus, you can have Anya play spy alongside her best friend and dog, Bond! It’s all part of the memory experience, and with numerous places to go, classic characters to see, and different outfits you can wear via the various editions you get, you’ll have many ways to make fun memories.
If you don’t know the story of SpyXFamily, it’s about two countries who are about to go to war if things don’t change. Agent Twilight, the greatest spy for one of these countries, is sent undercover to try and find the truth about a high-ranking official, but the only way to get to him is to “adopt a family” and have his “new child,” Anya, attend an academy with the official’s sun! Oh, but “Loid” doesn’t know Yor’s an assassin, nor that Anya is a psychic.
As you can imagine, lots of hijinks occur, which is why the show is beloved by fans.