It’s been a light year for Nintendo Switch gamers. Don’t get us wrong; the system has had somewhat big releases almost every month. The problem is that the vast majority of those titles were simply remasters or remakes of past games. That’s going to continue in both May and June. In a few weeks, a certain RPG with Mario is getting an upgraded version of a Gamecube title, and next month, Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD will visually overhaul the 3DS title that originally came out. To showcase the upcoming upgrade, Nintendo dropped the intro sequence to the game over the weekend.
In it, we see Professor E. Gadd studying ghosts under the influence of the Dark Moon, and then King Boo shows up and shatters it, which causes the ghosts to go into a frenzy and attack. Due to being overwhelmed, E. Gadd summons Luigi to his aid. Not that Luigi wants to do that, mind you. He was just napping and enjoying TV when the “good Professor” literally sucked him through the television!
If you never played the original game, Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD takes place not in a singular mansion but in a variety of homes across a village that is under the influence of the Dark Moon. Luigi’s job is to go to each place and collect a fragment of the Dark Moon and then defeat King Boo so that peace can be restored to the area.
Despite it not being as “favored” by fans overall thanks to certain gameplay elements, especially in comparison to the third game that came out on the Nintendo Switch, the original 3DS game sold incredibly well, as such, it’s going to be interesting to see what the Switch port does. Like in the other entries, Luigi will have to use his flashlight in conjunction with the Poltergust vacuum to suck up ghosts and help rid the place of evil spirits.
Many will ask whether this game’s potential success will reinforce that Nintendo needs to keep this franchise alive and coming out at a decent clip. Based on the sales of the most recent Switch entry alone, a fourth game should be more or less guaranteed.
Plus, the next game would be on the Nintendo Switch successor, which would help bolster the system’s lineup in its early year if they’ve already started working on it.
Only time will tell what happens, but you can play the HD remaster of Luigi’s handheld adventure when it comes to Switch on June 27th.