One of the worst things that happen consistently in the gaming world is certain rumors and reports that state one thing, yet the opposite is true. By that, we’re talking about the various “leaks” that try to “spill some tea” about game development or what’s coming up, only to be proven false eventually. That’s why we always say to take things with a grain of salt regarding reports involving rumors and speculation. Given its popularity since its official confirmation and first trailer, GTA 6 has been part of the rumor mill in many ways, and many have stepped up to try and separate fact from fiction.
For example, a few days ago, Kotaku claimed that GTA 6 was “falling behind schedule” and that Rockstar Games was trying to force its workers to return to the official offices so that work could be “sped up.”
Enter Mike Shaw, who heads up Insider Gaming. Not only did he go onto Twitter to talk about this rumor, but he noted that his own sources state the game is “on schedule” and to not believe reports like Kotaku’s:
That’s definitely not the kind of backhand a website wants after making a “decisive report,” and yet, there it is.
The irony of this is that Rockstar Games has recently had issues with its workers over the company’s desire to bring everyone back into the office despite saying they weren’t going to require that anymore. Furthermore, given the size of the game, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for the game to go “off schedule” in its development. For right now, though? It appears to be fine.
One thing we can almost 100% count on is Rockstar Games not dropping its next title until it’s 100% ready. They are legendary, in the best way, for making quality titles and ensuring they are ready at launch no matter what. Let’s not forget that their previous entry in this crime-filled franchise is one of the best-selling games ever, with its online component being so successful that they delayed work on the 6th entry until a while back.
But, in that same breath, we have to admit that given how much they’re going to want to impress gamers, not to mention ensure they have a chance to match the success of the previous game, they might have to delay the game so that it can be ready for playing.
However, until Rockstar Games confirm that, don’t believe everything you see on the internet!