Do you share these thoughts of the Reddit folk? Do you think this game will be DOA on arrival? Or could Ubisoft still pull something off? Let us know below!
Every video game developer, even the most successful ones out there, has a game that sometimes “haunts them” because they work on it so much or have tried so hard to make it “worthy,” yet it doesn’t come out the way they desired. Furthermore, it doesn’t come out in a way that pleases fans, and thus, no one wins. The irony is that you could say that about SEVERAL video game titles in the last year alone, showing a rather disturbing trend in the video game industry. But today, we’re talking about Skull & Bones, the pirate game that Ubisoft has been toiling on for over a decade.
No, that’s not a lie. This game came about once they took their beloved assassin game to the high seas and saw how much fun players had doing ship battles. It’s not the worst way to think up a new game, but the title suffered delays for SO LONG because Ubisoft couldn’t find ways to make it fun or long-lasting. Then, when they decided to make it more of an MMO and “live-service” title, things only got more complicated, and the delays continued.
Fast forward to now. Skull & Bones has just come out of beta and is preparing for a full launch on the 16th. But on Reddit, fans are already noting that the beta not only didn’t give them much confidence in the title but also that it could be yet another game that is “dead on arrival.” The user who started the thread noted:
“This isn’t to say I hate the game; I could see it finding an audience, but at full price with the inclusion of a cash shop? I feel like this won’t gain much traction. The graphics are average to below average, the presentation is servicable, the quests are extremely basic, the resource gathering is reminiscent of a by-the-number mobile game, and the world is devoid of anything truly remarkable; there is no exploration, basic cutscenes, dialogue, etc.”
The irony of this statement and the comments that followed on the thread isn’t lost on us. Ubisoft has been trying to hype this game up, even stating it was a “AAAA title,” which gamers were happy to mock in the Reddit thread.
Many see this for what it is: a desire to try and recoup the money they lost after spending at least $120 million on development. We’ll find out if it sinks or swims soon enough, but in the meantime, many players will wait for it to go on sale.