The Evil Within series has sparked quite a fan base, and only two installments are available. If you’re unfamiliar with the franchise, this survival horror series came out initially in 2014. This was also the debut title from the development studio Tango Gameworks, and at the helm was Shinji Mikami. But fast forward to today, and we’re left waiting to see just what Tango Gameworks offers next. Their last release was in 2023 with Hi-Fi Rush. But a new post online has some fans anticipating the launch of a new installment to their debut survival horror series.
There are plenty of questions left unanswered here revolving around Tango Gameworks. This studio was founded in 2010 by Shinji Mikami. Now, if you’re unfamiliar with the individual, Shinji has had quite a lengthy career since he first brought out the Resident Evil franchise from Capcom. Of course, over the years, we’ve seen him deliver other notable games like Dino Crisis, and before his departure from Capcom, he was able to turn out Resident Evil 4. So when Tango Gameworks was unveiled, there was plenty of interest to see what creative works would come from Shinji next.
That debut title was The Evil Within, and as mentioned, it sparked a sequel. While Shinji didn’t direct the sequel, they were an executive producer. However, after Hi-Fi: Rush, it was unveiled that Shinji Mikami would be leaving the studio. We haven’t seen where Shinji landed since, but it does look like there is some interest in bringing back that franchise out into the marketplace. This comes from a recent post from Shinji’s social media account that directly mentions the franchise.
Thanks to a post on Reddit, we’re finding out that Shinji noted that there’s a chance he will be back for Psycho Break. This is the name of The Evil Within franchise in Japan. However, beyond that, there’s no further mention of what could be coming out into the marketplace. Furthermore, Shinji has left Tango Gameworks, leaving some fans wondering if there are plans for Shinji to return to the fold at Tango Gameworks or perhaps work as a consultant. Whatever the case, the franchise fans are excited that after years of waiting, there are now some new potential signs of life. But again, even if Shinji expresses interest, it doesn’t mean something is in the works or will come to fruition.