A new rumor has emerged about the long rumored upcoming Sonic game.

So, while this was vague speculation, some Sonic fans had talked online about the possibility that Sega would be making a remake of Sonic Generations, after their rerelease of Sonic Colors. That rumor just got picked up thanks to some trusted sources.
A few hours ago, Kurakasis shared this tweet:
“Regarding the Sonic game, from what I know, it is likely titled
#sonic #sonicgenerations #sonicthehedgehog #shadowthehedgehog”
As noted on Reddit by poster baiisun, Shpeshal Nick Baker retweeted Kurakasis’ tweet.
Sonic Generations is one of the most popular and best-selling games in the franchise, a notable distinction as a modern game. But part of this is perhaps because of its throwback theme: the game sees Classic and Modern versions of Sonic team up to take on the Classic and Modern versions of Dr. Eggman teaming up with the help of a creature called the Time Eater.
The title originally released in 2011, on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows, and Nintendo 3DS. While Sonic Generations continued to stay available on Steam, it had not seen rerelease since. But Microsoft introduced the title to its backwards compatibility program in 2018. This allowed fans to bring the game over to their Xbox One, and the Xbox Series X|S after that. In 2021, another update just for the Xbox Series X|S added 4K support, as well as a higher framerate.
On these platforms where they remained available, Sega found that it continued to be a good seller. These were all definitely factors in this possible rerelease.
Now, Sonic Colors is a factor in this rumor as well. That title originally released in 2010, and was also on Steam. But in 2021, Sega released a remaster of the game, called Sonic Colors Ultimate. Sonic Colors Ultimate’s success was anticipated to have been the catalyst for this potential remaster as well.
But if this is the case, Sega needs to take a hard message from the fans. Over on the current Sonic Generations Steam page, fans are asking Sega not to remove this version of the game in favor of the remaster. Fans are worried that Sega won’t allow both versions of the game to exist simultaneously, because that is what they did to Sonic Colors.
We don’t know if Sega will heed these messages, but they definitely indicate the high interest that still remains for this classic title. If it really is about to be announced in the next State of Play, Sega may have a guaranteed winner on their hands.