There is quite a bit of anticipation over what Naughty Dog is cooking. We were expecting The Last of Us Online for a few years, which was publicly unveiled a while back. But it was last month, leading into the holiday breaks, that Naughty Dog unveiled that this project was being killed off. So now the wait is just what exactly is being worked on next. Fortunately, we do know that an illustrator named Colin Lorimer from the talented PlayStation studio is working on this upcoming project. But don’t expect much more information to come out.
As mentioned, last month, Naughty Dog unveiled that they had killed off their The Last of Us Online project. At the time, it was noted that this was scrapped due to the amount of resources this title would need to be supported. That would ultimately hinder their future single-player game releases. That prompted the focus to shift away from this project. While we didn’t get any word as to what this next project will be, Naughty Dog’s post revealed that they are working on a brand new single-player game. So whether that’s a brand new IP or another single-player installment to an already established remains to be seen. However, an illustrator’s post indicates it’s a new IP.
Thanks to a post on Reddit, we’re finding out that Colin Lorimer noted that they are working on this project. Their LinkedIn profile notes that this illustrator is helping develop their latest IP. Previously, this illustrator had helped with Naughty Dog’s online project before it was scrapped. Meanwhile, they have also helped in HBO productions like The Last of Us adaptation and is an illustrator for Dark Horse Comics. So this individual has quite a few credits, including some projects coming out that have plenty of hype, like the upcoming second season of The Last of Us.
For now, it’s going to be a waiting game to see what Naughty Dog is bringing out. Right now, the focus for the studio might be ensuring a smooth launch for The Last of Us Part II Remastered. That game already has a string of leaks popping up online due to an early copy being released. However, most fans will have to wait for its official launch date on the PlayStation 5. Those interested in the game and to test their mettle with the upcoming No Return roguelike survival mode will be able to pick up a copy on January 19, 2024. In the meantime, you can check out a trailer for The Last of Us Part II Remastered in the video we have embedded below.