Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition has already come up live on the Xbox store ahead of an official announcement. Keep reading, though, because there’s more.

While Ubisoft did not officially announce this title, we already knew it was on the way for a few months now. It’s no rumor, but instead the ESRB inadvertently leaking the game too early when the rating came out earlier this year. The ESRB rating lists the game for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and Windows.
As reported by Insider Gaming, the Xbox store listing promises 4K 60 FPS performance, with auto-save and cross-save, a speedrun mode, new achievements and Microsoft Rewards. Note that cross save may only be for the Xbox version of the game. If Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition is on Game Pass, Microsoft may offer it to players for PC, Xbox consoles, and even streaming on mobile. Ubisoft has their own platforms for cross play as well, and that’s important too, as you’ll see below.
Insider Gaming reported that the game is not available for purchase yet, but that was not strictly true. YouTuber Cheevo Guides pointed out on Twitter that he was able to download and even play the game on his Xbox Series X. He believes that he got access because he has a Ubisoft + subscription.
And so, Cheevo was able to upload the first 30 minutes of Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition on his own Twitter. We will embed the video for you below, but just in case, you can also see it from here.
The status of this video may change, but as Cheevo pointed out, he is not under any embargo rules. If there is an embargo that other streamers or games press are subject to, he happens to not be under any such agreement with Ubisoft.
As for his own impressions , Cheevo notes on the comments of his video:
“- You can invert the X or Y axis if you want.
– The game has two modes. Performance Mode and Resolution Mode. The default is “Performance Mode.”
Based on our personal review, the game seems to be a lot like the earlier remaster of this game, Beyond Good and Evil HD Edition. The graphics have been cleaned up so that everything is clear instead of blurry. It’s not really easy to tell if Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition’s graphics are in 4K, but they do seem cleaner than Beyond Good and Evil HD Edition. At least it does appear to have a smooth 60 FPS but not much more.
We will update you if and when Ubisoft officially announces this game.