Here are what some viewers had to say about the recent post on Reddit.
Thanks for participating on this sub and engaging with the community here. It’s a bit sad that this avenue of communication is closing off as it was a bit more accessible than the other communication channels, but unfortunately there isn’t really any other established “forum” out there. I’d personally love to see the Minecraft Forum (or some other old-school forum) come back into use, but I doubt that will ever happen and the site currently has a number of issues.
SonicwaveMC – Reddit Comment
The death of reddit leading to the rebirth of bespoke forums? That’s an upside I hadn’t considered.
Taolan13 – Reddit Comment
So sad that it should come to this.
TehNolz – Reddit Comment
Original Story…
Reddit has been described as the front page of the internet for years, but it looks like that might be changing here soon. I’m sure if you’re a fan of the website, you already know the current changes being placed. At the end of this month, several third-party applications that used the Reddit API will be shutting down. This comes from the new demands of an inflated fee to use the API. Because the costs are too high, we’re seeing applications shut down and widespread support of protests. One of the changes you’ll also see happen on Reddit is the Minecraft developers dropping the website.
With the various subreddits available that allow viewers to access different fandoms and groups, it’s not surprising developers would often use them to engage with fans. For instance, the team behind Minecraft would use the game’s subreddit to offer insight into the game updates and changelogs. But that is coming to an end as the development team made one final post on the subreddit alerting fans that they would be parting ways from Reddit due to the recently announced changes.
Essentially, you will find the team would be avoiding Reddit, although they encourage fans to still interact and provide unofficial update threads in their place going forward. Instead, for fans that would like to provide feedback then, it’s suggested that they use the official Minecraft feedback website. Otherwise, contacting the team on their official social media channels is another viable option.
Now again, the changes to Reddit have been widely scrutinized by fans of the website. They have expressed their desire to roll back their decisions. As a result, we’ve seen subreddits go private or completely change up their content to protest. Now only time will tell if the head of Reddit will change their decision. Otherwise, it could very well be the end of the website as another will attempt to take its place by providing a similar experience before Reddit makes its latest changes to the website.
It’s worth pointing out that this doesn’t mean all related studios under Microsoft would follow suit with the team behind Minecraft. It’s only a policy with the Java Team, but we’ll just have to see if traffic takes a hit with Reddit when July hits.