How does this paid content for the game make you feel? Do you think that it’s wrong that Blizzard has done this? Let us know in the comments below!
It’s fascinating how a couple of days can change your perception of a person or company. In this case, let’s talk about Blizzard. Not too long ago, they were on top of the moon when the launch of a certain new title that broke Blizzard’s records with its sales and continues to do well. Then, during the Xbox Games Showcase, they showed off the sixth season of content for Overwatch 2, which featured a new PVE campaign called “Invasion.” Players were excited about the content as they wanted some fresh stuff to do. But now, thanks to a post on Blizzard’s blog, we know there’s a cost to this, literally.
While outlining what you’ll be able to do in the content, Blizzard revealed that to get “permanent access” to the story missions, you need to buy a bundle for $15. But wait! There’s more! There’s also an “ultimate bundle” you can get, which costs you $40 and gets you “more stuff.” Specifically, you’ll get more cosmetic skins and coins to purchase things within the title.
As you can imagine, fans aren’t happy with this for various reasons. First, one of the big things about Overwatch 2 was that it was “free to play” for everyone, and thus you didn’t need to buy things unless you wanted to. But here, if you want “permanent access” to the PVE campaign, you must pay for it. Furthermore, Blizzard hasn’t clarified why we need “permanent access” to it, nor whether the content will be “free at first” and then become paid later.
But on their blog, they did “give a reason” for this price and bundle:
“The Overwatch 2: Invasion bundle is intended to give new and veteran players alike the opportunity to explore this brand-new story arc while giving them additional coins to unlock the Premium Battle Pass or to buy cosmetic content for their favorite Hero.”
Many people will read this as Blizzard wanting to entice people to get this content and buy up as many coins and cosmetics as possible so that the game can continue to make them money.
While it’s true that there is more to this sixth season than the PVE storyline, such as a new co-op event and a PVP mode being introduced, that won’t deflect from the fact that Blizzard is once again trying to make their game a cash cow versus making it something that everyone wants to play.
We’ll have to see how this latest backlash affects them.