You might recall that Sony opened up the “Players’ Choice” voting for the best PlayStation game of April to come out not too long ago. When they did, they put numerous games of both 1st and 3rd-party nature up for a vote to see what title would come out on top in the gamers’ eyes. As it turns out, the winner was Star Wars Jedi Survivor, which might not be too much of a surprise for those who played it. After all, it’s a brilliant game that tells its story while bringing plenty of amazing gameplay to enjoy and worlds to explore.
Fans have been waiting years for it, and some were concerned when it got delayed from March to April. But as it would turn out, the game was pushed back to be refined even more. As we know now, that didn’t fully work out, but the game was still solid enough to garner great reviews and already put it on the list of “Game of the Year” candidates.
Many have praised how the game takes what Respawn Entertainment did with the first title and cranks it up to the next level, such as how Cal Kestis has multiple lightsaber stances that he can use, even one with a gun should he desire. Furthermore, the way you can upgrade Cal through skill points was upgraded so you could get new powers and better abilities and truly tailor things to fit your playstyle. There was even a new “Perks” system that could further enhance Cal and what he could do in the world.
Speaking of which, the traversal elements of the game were another high spot for many. They appreciated how you “felt like a Jedi” by using The Force to get to numerous spots in the semi-open-worlds that you could visit. The Metroidvania feel was strong in the sequel, and fans didn’t mind.
As for how Star Wars Jedi Survivor sales-wise, things look positive. EA held a financial conference call and noted that the game looked “very promising.” They also noted that the title had brought “millions” back to the galaxy far, far away in only a few weeks. Whether it’s on pace to overcome its predecessor in units moved remains to be seen.
Respawn Entertainment has already said they’d be up for making a third game to “complete the story” of Cal Kestis, and the sequel’s ending does leave plenty of room for another story to be told.