A new trailer has appeared for Payday 3.

The trailer is as short as it needs to be. A human male, whose face is shrouded in darkness, talks to the viewer. He simply says “All right, guys. It’s a simple job.”
The trailer then cuts to show that gameplay is coming this summer 2023.
The Payday franchise is the product of Swedish game company Starbreeze Studios, whose own company history is every bit as turbulent as that of the games that it has produced.
Some of the notable games Starbreeze made other than Payday include The Escape from Butcher Bay, The Darkness, and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. They had also been the original publishers of Behaviour Interactive’s Dead by Daylight.
Payday 2 was first published all the way back in 2013, making this one-decade-after reveal quite fitting and interesting. It would be fair to call this Starbreeze’s biggest franchise, having hit PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, Windows, the Nintendo Switch, and even Linux. Starbreeze revealed that total sales for the Payday franchise had hit 9 million units as of November 1, 2014.
For those who don’t remember, Payday 2 was a darling among the fandom over its all-csometic monetization for many years. So Starbreeze ruffled feathers in 2015 when it revealed its “Completely Overkill Pack” would include EXP or Money Boosts. This controversy would surprisingly go to a head a year later, when Starbreeze acquired the full rights to the Payday franchise to guarantee all future safes would be free.
As to why the game has taken this long to surface, that is also a long story. Starbreeze took a huge bet on Overkill’s The Walking Dead, but they failed to deliver because of many problems with development. In the fallout from this one game’s failure, they essentially filed for bankruptcy under Swedish law, and were then placed immediately into antitrust investigation for insider trading.
Starbreeze almost went out of business in 2019. Fortunately for Starbreeze and Payday fans, the Swedish government approved their new restructuring plan, splitting their game studio and publisher divisions. This plan puts Payday 3 at the very center of the studio’s future. At long last, that future is now.
Payday 3 is in development from Starbreeze Entertainment, to be published by Prime Matter. Keep reading Gameranx for more news on this title, including the official release date and platforms. You can watch the trailer below.