If you’ve been a fan of the Pokemon Anime for a long time, then you’ll know that the series has tackled all sorts of topics involving people and Pokemon. Sure, as a “kids’ show,” many of these stories revolved around “never giving up,” trying to unlock your true potential, doing your best no matter what, and not letting the bad guys win. But there were always some very powerful and poignant episodes sprinkled throughout that elevated the series to new heights in the storytelling department. Unfortunately, however, some episodes pushed things “too far” and thus because “lost” to certain parts of the world.
Two such episodes were found in the Gen V episodes of the Pokemon Anime. Episodes 23 & 24 of the franchise were going to see a clash between Team Rocket and Team Plasma on a grand scale. However, they were pulled before ever being shown, even though a trailer was already released for the episodes. So why were they pulled? Well, the episodes dealt with Team Rocket trying to get a powerful item known Meteonite, and they would weaponize it to try and take over the world.
That sounds pretty typical, right? Except, the event’s timing would’ve aired the episodes around the infamous 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. One episode showed an impressive blast of energy nearly wiping out a city, which rang “too close to home” for The Pokemon Company and others. Due to this, the episodes never aired, and fans of the franchise were left wondering what was supposed to happen in them.
However, 12 years later, there’s a chance to finally finish the story.
Yep, the scripts for the episodes have gone online, and they appear legitimate. It’s fair that these were released after all this time, as wounds have been allowed to heal, and the main anime is done, so there’s little harm in releasing them.
If you wish to know a certain irony, this is hardly the first time the Pokemon Anime has banned or “lost” episodes. There have been quite a few over the years and for various reasons.
For example, one episode was banned because of the effect a Pokemon had on Japanese children, as it caused seizures in those who watched. Another was because someone pulled a gun on Ash Ketchum, and some considered that “far too violent.”
It’ll be curious to see if other “lost episodes” appear as the new series gets its legs under it.