Recently the first expansion for Star Wars Battlefront was announced, revealing to fans the first wave of new content coming to the game sometime this month.
As previously reported, this DLC pack will bring with it the Extraction Mode, as well as two new playable characters, Greedo and Nien Nunb and two new playable locations, Jabba the Hut’s Tatooine sail barge and Nunb’s homeplanet of Sollust. There will also be new weapons, the Relby V-10 rifle and DT-12 blaster pistol as well as three Star Cards, the Scatter Gun, Dioxis Grenade, and Adrenaline Stim. The gameplay trailer illustrates these new items in greater detail so be sure to catch that above. Oh and hang on til the end. Just trust me, it’s good.
No release date has yet been announced for Outer Rim, the first of four planned expansions, however, it is included in the Star Wars Battlefront season pass. The second expansion Bespin will follow this upcoming summer, and the third, Death Star, in the fall. A fourth unnamed expansion is expected in “early 2017”.
Star Wars Battlefront debuted on November 17, 2015 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. No specific date has been given for the release of Outer Rim yet but it is still expected sometime this month.
To get a glimpse of the new playable characters and location in Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim, be sure to check out our recent article for photos of both. And for more news related to this title, be sure to browse all the latest stories and posts at the Gameranx site tag.
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