Rockstar has revealed that GTA Online fans have aced last month’s Heists Challenge.

Announced last November 22, 2022, Rockstar revealed that the event for this year would “cap off” the event, and set the goal at GTA$ 2 trillion. Two years ago, Rockstar set a goal for the Heists Challenge at GTA$ 100 trillion, and ended it at an unexpected GTA$ 1 trillion.
The Heists challenge is simple enough to understand. While playing GTA Online, you need to go out playing heist missions, and the money the players earned after successful missions get added up by Rockstar themselves.
Instead of just rewarding the few players who do the most, the whole community gets to team up with each other to win a prize that they all get, and simultaneously, they all earn. It’s a brilliant way to foster the player community, especially for a game where some of these items are paid for in real money.
This year, the community managed to amass an unheard of, economy saving number at GTA$ 4 trillion. Rockstar shared this statement on Twitter:
“Shout out to the GTA Online community for once again obliterating our expectations in The Heists Challenge, this time surpassing over GTA$ 4 TRILLION total! As a result, you’ve unlocked a free new vehicle coming soon to GTA Online. Stay tuned for more details.”
A reply tweet suggests that some players already received the prize. If this tweet is to be believed, the prize in question was the Declasse Asea. At this point you may already be asking, what’s the Declasse Asea?
This is a compact four-door sedan patterned after the real life Chevrolet Aveo, with some parts inspired from the Suzuki Aerio, Dacia Logan, and Chevrolet Malibu.
In terms of GTA lore, Lester Crest, a key figure behind the scenes of GTA 5, owns a blue Asea himself and it is used in a mission. But maybe that’s not the reason that players were given this vehicle.
In fact, the Declasse Asea was originally one of the rarest vehicles to come by in GTA Online. If you played this game on the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, finding this car and getting to own it, one way or another, was a genuine achievement.
Rockstar made it easier to find this car in the enhanced version of GTA Online. Now, it seems, Rockstar seems to be making a point about earning something so hard to find, after an extraordinary effort, that now everyone gets to have it after all.
Source: Twitter, Rockstar Games