Doom is the next upcoming installment to the classic first-person shooter franchise. This new highly anticipated installment is currently available for pre-order as the game drops this May 13, 2016. If you haven’t already considered pre-ordering the game to ensure you have a copy readily available the day it launches then perhaps the bonus incentives currently being offered by video game retailer GameStop, will change that. Here is everything being offered right now for the pre-order of Doom on the Sony PlayStation 4 or Microsoft’s Xbox One.
As mentioned, the upcoming installment of Doom is set to release on May 13, 2016, which is said to be a reboot by developers id Software. Overall the gameplay we’ve come to love from the franchise is very much intact. Players will fight off badass demons with some seriously massive guns all mixed together with fast action-oriented gameplay. A press release that was sent out earlier today revealed a new incentive for gamers to pre-order Doom from the video game retailer GameStop.
Currently, GameStop is offering gamers an exclusive double-sided poster if they pre-order Doom, though you’ll want to make sure you’re early as these posters are only available while supplies last. If that’s not enough for you, customers who pre-order the game will also be granted the Demon multiplayer pack which comes with a demon-themed armor set, six metallic paints, three ID logo patterns, and lastly, six hack modules.
GameStop is also offering its PowerUp Rewards Pro members an additional 20% credit if they trade in any game towards the pre-order. Furthermore, gamers who are looking to jump from the PlayStation 4 to the Xbox One or vice versa will be given $200 in credit by trading in their old console, which makes it a bit easier to get the latest PlayStation 4 or Xbox One bundles without throwing down the money in full.