Space Jam: A New Legacy was a movie that nobody wanted. Not the least was that it wasn’t ever going to eclipse what the original film did with Michael Jordan. But Warner Bros wanted to capitalize on what the original movie did in the 90s and replace the star with Lebron James. Because, as fans all know, he totally wants to be compared to Michael Jordan in everything he does. Anyway, even though the movie came out last year, the title still has things spin-off from the property. The latest of which will be a card game by Upper Deck.
The card game will be known as Space Jam: Serververse Showdown. The title will allow you to play with 2-6 players, and the plot will be about you using the cards available to make a team to try and escape the Serververse. If you didn’t watch the movie, the Serververse is where Lebron and his kid were taken to by the “evil AI” and where the basketball game took place.
A worthy twist of the card game is that you won’t have to rely just on Looney Tunes characters. Instead, you’ll be able to mix and match the Looney Tunes with real-life players from the NBA and WNBA. That way, you can have the best star power possible. Plus, you’ll be able to use unique cards to bench your opponents’ team to try and get the advantage. Be warned, however! The “hacks” you’ll be able to use will also be able to be used on you. Some of them will even be able to change the entire course of the game by altering the win conditions.
Going back to Space Jam: A New Legacy, let’s bash it a bit because the sequel was definitely not worthy in the ways that matter. First, the plot was ludicrous, even for a crossover like this. Second, Lebron’s acting was suspect and inferior to Michael’s, and many felt that WB went way overboard by trying to make it more about their properties and showing them all off than being a basketball game. Plus, making it feel like a video game hurt the aesthetic in many viewers’ minds.
The movie made a minimal profit, a stark contrast to the original. It was also nominated for the dreaded Golden Raspberry. Yet, WB liked it enough to put the movie version of Lebron into Multiversus, and now they’re doing this card game. So maybe the biggest fans of the movie are them.
Source: ComicBook.com