How many times have you been yelled at for supposed “hacking� Most players who cry hackers are usually in the wrong, but there are definitely hackers among us. Recently over 1,600 users were banned from Modern Warfare 3, while many more warnings were sent out. Modern Warefare 3 hasn’t been out too long at all but somehow a ton of people are already finding ways to cheat and be dicks.
“Reporting [cheaters] in-game through [Modern Warfare 3] goes directly to our security team, who issues the bans directly after verifying,” said Former Community Manager and current Creative Strategist Robert Bowling. “”Every ban unique to the level of douchiness of the offense. The greater the douche, the greater the length. PermaDouche possible.”
I can’t even begin to fathom how there are still this many people who waste their time coming up with ways to cheat, and then using said methods. What do people hope to accomplish by cheating? Obviously, they want to have really high numbers and stats but what do they get out of that? A big fat e-erection? If you cheat at video games online, to put it frankly, you’re a dick.