What type of media has the most passionate fans? Unfortunately, that question can’t be answered easily. Why is that? Because whether it’s TV shows, movies, video games, comics, or manga/anime, a multitude of fanbases have proven their passion and loyalty time and time again. Just over the last few years, there have been numerous cases of fans stepping up or stepping in to help their franchises when they were in need. You might recall the Sonic the Hedgehog movie incident where fans revolted so hard that they completely redid the character’s look.
Another example is the Snyder Cut, where fans rallied to have it released despite being told it “didn’t exist.” Fast forward to now, and you can add Bleach to that list, because the anime has returned, and fans are understandably ecstatic.
At the time of this article being published, the first episode of Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War has officially been released upon the world.
If you have Hulu, you can start the series right now. The first episode features the return of Ichigo Kurosaki and his allies and will no doubt be a welcome sight for fans who have longed to see the Substitute Soul Reaper back on their TV screens. That first episode is only the beginning of his adventure, though, because a recent reveal was that Thousand Year Blood War would be a total of 52 episodes. What’s more, the episodes will be divided into 13-episode blocks. So today’s episode will be the start of a 3-month journey, then fans will wait a bit for the following block to arrive.
But if you go on Twitter, you’ll see they won’t mind that wait. Fans of the anime have been waiting ten years for Bleach to return, and they’re just happy their original wait is over.
Fans are posting their love and appreciate the reunion that they’re finally getting to have with their favorite characters after all this time.
We need to note that part of the reason for all this love for the anime’s return is the original anime’s abrupt ending. It was canceled despite the main story not being done in the manga. That rubbed many fans the wrong way, and even with the happy ending that the anime tried to give audiences initially, it didn’t stop fans from wanting the story to finish properly.
So whether you are a diehard fan or someone who just got into the series via binge-watching, you all have something to be happy about and look forward to as you watch it.
Thousand Year Blood War promises to be everything fans have wanted and waited for, including seeing beloved characters and watching epic action. So enjoy the premiere!
Source: Twitter