The greatest thing for gamers about the fact that the video game industry is working closer with actors from the television and film scene in recent years is the fact that the actors don’t appreciate the intense level of secrecy that takes place on the organisation side in games compared to the relatively open development of film and TV on the other side. It leads to faux pas all the time, even this year, The Walking Dead star Norman Reedus spilled the beans on the possibility of a new Death Stranding game, a moment that Kojima deemed worthy of a “harsh” conversation with Reedus with the aide of the Lucille bat from The Walking Dead itself to make the point clear. Now we’ve got another with LOST, Fringe and John Wick star Lance Reddick seemingly lifting the lid on DLC coming to Horizon Forbidden West.
Though it is perhaps not a surprise to players that Horizon Forbidden West would be getting an expansion, afterall, the original 2017 release, Horizon Zero Dawn received a large expansion titled The Frozen Wilds a little more than six months post-launch, the fact is that any large expansion coming to the sequel had not yet been confirmed by Sony as the publisher, or Guerilla Games as the developer. Now any marketing plans they may have had might be blown a part to a degree with Reddick tweeting out an image of himself, motion capture dots all over his face, excitedly declaring, “Hard at work… in a session for Horizon Forbidden West!“… whoops Lance!
It didn’t take long, in fact, just a matter of minutes before either Reddick realised the error of his ways or someone from Guerilla or Sony had promptly jumped on the phone to point the error out to him, and the tweet was removed, but, of course, it is 2022 and so someone managed to capture screenshots!
We’re all excited for Lance, and his enthusiasm for the franchise has certainly shone through in his previous work on both games, but clearly that enthusiasm got the better of him in this instance, and now the cat is out of the bag. Of course, beyond just predicting that Guerilla might repeat the treatment that they gave Horizon Zero Dawn, fans had been making discoveries in the full release of Horizon Forbidden West that indicated that possible new regions were coming to the game and had been planned for even prior to the launch of the game. Players had found hidden unreachable areas, invisible walled off to stop players from accessing what is hidden beyond, but may well be the gates to more should this DLC be real.
Horizon Forbidden West is currently available on PS4 and PS5, meanwhile VR spin-off Horizon Call Of The Mountain is due to launch in 2023 alongside the PS VR2