If you’ve been a fan of the Pokemon franchise for long enough, you’ll know that the video game franchise has not just expanded into the realm of anime, but that it’s had a number of different anime come out over its time. We all know of the classic anime that features Ash Ketchum trying to be a Pokemon master, but there have been others too, including Pokemon Origins and Pokemon Generations. Not too long ago, we got Poketoon.
This unique set of tales–eight so far–tells stories of people and Pokemon in a much different style than the previous anime models. For example, the very first Poketoon was set in a way that was very much reminiscent of Looney Tunes of all things. Others took a more anime feel, but even then, they rarely lined up with one another as different teams took a stab at doing their own story and vision. This arguably made these eight episodes all the more special.
The reason we’re talking about this now is that previously, you’d only be able to watch Poketoon on Pokemon TV or in their subtitled forms. But now, the YouTube channel for Pokemon has uploaded all eight videos for you to enjoy.
This includes very interesting ones like “Scraggy and Mimikyu,” “Help! I’ve Turned Into A Gengar!” “Snorunt’s Summer Vacation,” and our personal favorite, “Blossom’s Dream.” Why is that last one our favorite? It’s not only one of the longer episodes with a more in-depth story, but it has a really cool connection to the original Pokemon games if you watch the story all the way through.
To say that Pokemon has been going strong for years now is not giving it enough credit. Between the games and the anime, Pokemon is dominating just about every market that it’s in. The main anime with Ash is still going on right now via Pokemon Journeys, and fans are already anticipating what might come next with it. Not just that, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are coming to gaming consoles soon. These will be in the hands of plenty of fans when they arrive on November 18.
We can’t say for certain how long Poketoon will go on, but they clearly have a very clever way of telling stories with this brand. Hopefully, more teams of people will get to have a shot at it.
Source: YouTube