Playtonic Games has finally shared a new update for Yooka-Laylee, in the form of a new character, who is retro in ways you likely did not anticipate.
Rextro Sixtyfourus is a pun brought to life, that works so well it’s a wonder no one else came up with it first. The hip and happy minirex is guardian of the arcade machines, and you’ll be meeting up with him in every level. Finding the machine, and beating the retro challenge within, will earn you a Pagie.
Of course, befitting the character, Rextro exemplifies the blocky, scanline polygons of his forbears. Character designer Mark Stevenson pointed out that his polygons have hard edges (feet and hands are literally cubes), and making full use of modern tech, lighting allows you to perceive each polygon as an individual facet. Mark also made a custom shader for that perfect scanline CRT effect.
Yooka-Laylee is planned for release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, PC, Mac, and Linux in October 2016.