The voice actor behind Dr. Wallace Breen from Half-Life 2, Robert Culp, has died at the age of 79. Half-Life 2 was not the only game he appeared in, he played a cameo role in Voyear released in 1993. Robert Culp also had a distinguished television career where he acted in the groundbreaking 1960s TV series “I Spy” and later played Ray Romano’s father-in-law on “Everybody Loves Raymond.”
Culp died after falling on a sidewalk near a Los Angeles park and was pronounced dead at a hospital a half hour later.
Dr. Wallace Breen was the administrator at the Black Mesa Research Facility during the “Black Mesa Incident,” in Half-Life, but he was never seen or mentioned by name and was known as the “Administrator”.
In Half-Life 2, Breen is alerted to the return of Gordon Freeman in Half-Life 2 when Gordon is accidentally teleported, to his office in the Citadel.
via CNN