Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith, the final act of the much-maligned Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, may have a 4-hour long, Snyder Cut styled, version in the wild somewhere.
Included in this prolonged version of Revenge Of The Sith, the heartbreaking final act that wrapped up the prequels, is a host of additional scenes, alternate concepts, and unrevealed subplots, that would purportedly enhance the already superb arc closing film in a way that is akin to Justice League Snyder Cut, or the Lord Of The Rings Extended Cuts.
Revenge of the Sith fulfills the pitch that the prequel trilogy was built upon, something that the first two films failed to properly execute, by presenting the viewer with a grim look at Anakin Skywalker’s dark descent into the Dark Side, going on to become the dreaded Darth Vader. As a result of his turn, the Jedi Order is decimated, The Emperor rises to power, and the world falls under the evil power of the Galactic Empire.
While the Prequel Trilogy is not remembered overly fondly, Revenge Of The Sith was a clear highlight from the era and established numerous threads that Star Wars sub-series have been riffing off for decades. Animated series The Clone Wars, and Rebels television series both connect to the film, Respawn’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is set between Episode III and IV, the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series follows Obi-Wan’s movements between Episode III and IV, while the newly in production Ahsoka television series follows the beloved Ahsoka who was introduced via The Clone Wars. Of course, further in the gaming sphere, we’ve seen the release release of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, which encompasses the entire 9 Skywalker films, inclusive of Revenge Of The Sith, while Jedi: Fallen Order 2 is reportedly in development exclusively for PC and next-gen consoles
Considering the number of important narrative threads that are established via Revenge Of The Sith, as well as the era overall, it would be fascinating to see how these might connect to the Expanded Universe should this rumoured 4-hour cut ever become an accessible reality for fans. Time will tell though whether this comes to the Light Side.