Bungie released patch notes for hotfix coming to Destiny 2 today, March 29. The update is bringing improvements to several aspects of the game such as various activities, weapons, armor, and more.
First developed in 2017, Destiny 2 has continued to entertain gamers with regular updates. Several expansions have been developed for the first-person shooter with the most recent being The Witch Queen released just last month on February 22. The DLC is the biggest update in the franchise’s history and launched to glowing reviews. It’s definitely worth checking out for new and old fans of Destiny.
Check out the full patch notes for the new update coming to Destiny 2 below.
Destiny 2 Hotfix for March 29
- Fixed an issue where players were able to avoid being pulled into the boss arena during encounter when pressed up against Hive shield barriers.
- Fixed an issue where players that joined the activity late would prevent activity barriers from spawning, blocking further Wellspring progression.
- Fixed an issue where Wizards and carried objects could be pushed to sink through the middle pillar, soft-locking the instance.
- Fixed an issue in the Cosmodrome that blocked players from picking up Captured Light, blocking further progression.
- Fixed an issue where Trials of Osiris Mementos were not dropping when players claimed their first Flawless chest of the week.
Gameplay and Investment
- Fixed an issue where combatants would remain stun-locked indefinitely when hit with a Glaive melee.
- Balance tweaks were made to the Firmly Planted perk on Fusion Rifles.
- Effectiveness reduced by 50%.
- Glaives will now reach full charge after landing four successful projectile hits.
- Suppressing Glaive now consumes (and requires) 10% weapon energy when applying suppression with the Glaive melee.
- Child of the Old Gods is now more likely to reach its intended target, no longer bouncing off its directed path.
- We are still proud of the Child, even more than we were last week. Good job, Child.
- Fixed an issue that prevented stat trackers from counting weekly, Seasonal, and lifetime Vow of the Disciple raid carries.
- We are temporarily removing game credits from Destiny 2.
- The Director Node will return in a future update.