It is confirmed: Petra Janecek – first heard in Hunt The Truth episode 4 – is voiced by Cobie Smulders. The actress, popularly known for her role as Robyn Scherbatsky in the TV series How I Met Your Mother, portrayed Agent Maria Hill in The Avengers and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Smulders also has a notable list of other past film, television, and theater roles.
We first encounter Smulders’ character when she interacts with Benjamin Giraud – voiced by Keegan Michael Key. They’re chatting in a bar, and it’s already a given that there’s surveillance everywhere, but a new addition to surveillance that Benjamin doesn’t know about is the audio pickup and conversation isolation. This is triggered when the surveillance system detects visual cues connoting anything that might be considered worthy of getting flagged. As Benjamin starts to freak out, Petra (Smulders) begins to talk about vacations and beaches for no apparent reason. That’s when it hits Benjamin that there’s audio surveillance. Petra’s quick thinking had just saved him from getting into trouble… for now.
From the way Benjamin spoke of her, Petra Janecek seemed to be blunt and cared for very little, so when she showed a bit of concern towards Benjamin, he was slightly bothered. Could this be hinting at a greater role for Petra? Maybe we’ll get to hear more of her in the future.