The Uncharted franchise is a massive one. Fans have been enjoying the IP for over a decade now. As we followed Nathan Drake through various unique locations searching for mythical and long-lost treasure, the games felt like cinematic pieces. Now the game franchise is receiving its cinematic film in the upcoming year. Today, that first trailer was finally unveiled to the masses.
If you haven’t been following the film very long, you might be surprised that it’s not a direct adaptation from the video games. Instead, the film took a different direction by offering players a prequel to the video games. We’re going to get a younger Nathan Drake who meets Sully. It’s here that they uncover their love of history and uncovering lost treasure. The trailer gives players the first glimpse into the movie. This seems to hold on to the same tone and vibe from the video game installments that came before it.
There are only two minutes of footage available, but you’ll get a look into the set pieces and various characters. Likewise, there is plenty of action with Nathan fighting off enemies. Of course the movie puts Nathan in some intense situations like getting tossed outside of an airplane. This looks like it can be quite the action-packed adventure, although we’ll have to wait a bit longer because the film is not set to release into theaters until next year.
The film is currently set to release on February 18, 2022. So we have a few more months to endure before it’s available. This means it might be a great opportunity to replay the previous video games. This way you’ll get a bit more insight into the different characters you’ll likely meet within the movie. Although, there’s bound to be some differences with the game taking place well before the events of the video game franchise. For now, you can check out the trailer for the game embedded above.