The Metroid franchise is a classic one for Nintendo. Since the Nintendo Entertainment System, we have seen Metroid games come out into the marketplace. It hit mainline console platforms for Nintendo along with their mobile handheld lineup. However, the Metroid IP might not topple over some of Nintendo’s over-big-name series. Still, it was clear that fans were eager for another brand new classic Metroid video game installment. So when Metroid Dread was announced and launched into the marketplace, Nintendo might have expected some good sales numbers.
However, it looks like sales were so popular that this Metroid Dread game has already outsold past installments within the series. This accounts for Japan right now and was reported through Famitsu. That’s quite the feat as the number of units sold surpassed other iconic classic title hits. Again, this is something we’ve reported on already, as the Metroid Dread. As the release caused a surge in past Metroid game purchases.
Of course, those past Metroid game purchases came from the virtual console on Nintendo Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. That could be an indicator for Nintendo to bring over more retro game access to their Nintendo Switch platform. Furthermore, this could be an excellent indicator to Nintendo that is going back and giving some of their classic IPs another new installment for their latest hybrid console. Although, only time will tell just what the future will hold with Metroid and other fan-favorite IPs.
With all that said, we do know that Metroid Prime was getting another installment. It’s been unveiled in the past that Metroid Prime 4 was coming. However, we haven’t seen the game come up since. Developers are likely still working on the game, but for now, it doesn’t look like there’s any interest from Nintendo to start highlighting the competition in the marketplace just yet. If you haven’t played the latest Metroid video game yet, you can check out our Before You Buy coverage in the video embedded above.