Wargame has returned with a third free DLC for its third installment in its on-going military strategy franchise, Wargame: Red Dragon. This new expansion pack from Eugen Systems will automatically patch into the game on owners’ computers when it releases today, adding 60 brand new units into the mix.
Dedicated to the Scandinavian coalition, it features more than 60 new units for Sweden, Denmark & Norway. Effectively propelling this coalition as well as the individual countries into the early 90's era, it will bring them onto an equal footing with the other nations from Wargame: Red Dragon. Every type of unit is represented (planes, infantry, tanks, IFVs.) including some iconic and long-expected "Northern" units: the Saab Gripen, Frømandskorpset, NASAMS. As a bonus, ANZAC will also get an extra unit, in the form of the Vickers Mk.11.
Finally, Wargame is the midweek deal on Steam, and includes Wargame: Red Dragon, AirLand Battle, European Escalation, or the entire Franchise Pack—all of which are going for a 75% discount.