The Super Smash Bros. franchise started on the Nintendo 64, and since then, the IP has thrived. It brought in iconic video game characters as they duke it out. It was a must-have fighting video game for Nintendo platforms with themed levels, various drops, and hand-selected characters. The latest installment that players are enjoying is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate which brings out a massive catalog of characters.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has been around for a few years now, and it continues to find new players today. It’s become one of the must-have Nintendo Switch exclusives to pick up. One of the reasons is just how massive the catalog of playable fighters there are. Every character from the past video game installments has made a return, which that alone makes it a pretty entire roster of fighters. However, Nintendo has continued to bring out new characters into the mix.
It seemed like there was no ending to the virtual invites going out to iconic video game characters. Typically Nintendo would unveil the character coming to the fight in a Nintendo Direct, followed by the developers explaining how the character would handle. This would range from the different abilities and a unique course that was also coming to the game. There’s one final character coming to the roster. Likewise, we know just when we’ll get the big unveiling.
Unfortunately, the latest Nintendo Direct didn’t come with the character reveal. Instead, Nintendo only alerted fans when the official Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Nintendo Direct would be taking place. That event is set for October 5, 2021, at 10 AM ET, where Nintendo will finally unveil who will be coming to the game and again their move sets or level design. So are there any characters you’re hoping to see added in?