The Batman game franchise has seen the Caped Crusader come back with a vengeance. While Batman once suffered the impoverished life of a typical licensed game, Rocksteady Studios turned all that nonsense around. They've proven themselves to be a shining beacon of hope for movie and television-based game content.
If you're into game development, then you're going to want to hear this: Rocksteady Studios is hiring. Considering the studio's only focus for the past few years has been work on the Batman series, then you'd better have an interest in Bruce Wayne as well; who doesn't like the Batman, though?
Here's a listing of the current open positions:
Art Department
- Senior Environment Artist
- Art Producer
Game Design and Production
- Recruiter (Contract)
- Art Producer
Marketing Department
- Lead Promo Artist
Quality Assurance Team
- Senior QA tester
- QA tester
In addition to these, they made a special note about needing infrastructure engineers in their IT department. If you think you've got what it takes to make it at Rocksteady, then head on over to their website and apply!