The Evil Within has been riding a pretty fast hype train leading up to its release today. Gamers across the globe are excited for the game and given the lack of great horror titles lately, we can’t say we blame them. However, the game is promised by the developer – Tango Gameworks – to be difficult. Most of the trailers we’ve seen so far have channeled a sort of Dark Souls feel. While the more avid gamers among you might finish the game in a few days or so, there’s still a bunch of extra tasks to complete in game. This should be the game that pulls you into the holiday season.
Among these miscellaneous tasks are the various achievements/trophies available for the player to pursue. You might be asking yourself just how you’re supposed to conquer the list of tasks without help, but you don’t have to.
While it might seem impossible, Youtuber PowerPyx is already on the ball and has released a number of achievement/trophy guides for you to utilize in your quest for faux dominance over your friends’ scores. Considering he’s now probably spent more time creating these guides than he has actually playing the game, you can bet that the walkthroughs are quality. We’re thankful for people like PowerPyx, who make the sometimes perilous journey of getting a platinum trophy a little less scary.
For our Australian readers, the game doesn’t come out until October 16. While you may not be able to play the game yet, you can go ahead and prepare yourself with these guides.
Check them out below!