Minecraft is available on seemingly ever single piece of electronic hardware currently on the market… unless said hardware is made by Nintendo. Despite being the biggest family-friendly phenomenon in the past few years, the game has somehow avoided Nintendo's family-friendly line of machines — the Wii U GamePad has long been touted as the perfect controller for a potential port. Now that Microsoft has purchased Minecraft developer Mojang, it seems unlikely that a port will ever happen.
But Minecraft on Wii U — or at least a Minecraft-like — is going to happen, Mojang be damned. At least, that's what indie developer HullBreach Studios wants you to think when it sent out a PR email late last week about a new campaign called Operation Sparticus:
Remember when those soldiers wanted to kill Sparticus and he was in a group of people and when the Soldiers came everybody stood up and said I'm Sparticus?
That is the premise for this new PR penetration tactic.
First up:
The goods:
There is a licensed Nintendo Wii U studio developing a Minecraft Clone called U Craft. We are about to reveal the first alpha images of it, revealing the game, but not the developer behind it!!
Following tomorrows reveal, other studios will be revealing new U Craft content in future. You'll never know where the new info will come from or from who! We hope you enjoy speculating the mystery developer behind U Craft!
To clarify, HullBreach is not the developer of U Craft. The actual developer chooses to remain anonymous for the time being while a collective of indie partners shares screens of U Craft's progress on its behalf. Thus far, only HullBreach has released screens, which can be seen here and here, and development is seemingly close to completion.
Takes this news with a big grain of salt, however. Until someone comes forward claiming to be the developer, or until other partner studios corroborate the story, keep your expectations in check. But if this is all true, U Craft could be quite the interesting addition to the Wii U library — if it's not garbage, that is.