Deep Silver, the games publishing arm of Koch Media, has come out and killed expectations for its E3 showing. According to the publisher, you can forget about seeing Dead Island, Metro, Saints Row, or Timesplitters games at E3. Meanwhile, its parent company, Koch Media, is planning to make an announcement at the Summer Games Fest, but everyone is keeping tight-lipped about what that might be.
Deep Silver tweeted about Koch Media’s announcement and said, “To give you a head’s up, you won’t see Dead Island, Saints Row, Metro or TimeSplitters there (or at any other E3 2021 event). We’ll let you know when we have news to share.” Honestly, I wish more companies would share what we’re definitely not going to see at the show — it would help cut down on my level of disappointment.
We’ve heard rumors that a new Metro game is in the works, and Deep Silver has been quick to say that Dead Island 2 is still alive (ironically). Deep Silver also recently announced it’d be bringing the Timesplitters franchise back, complete members of the original development team. After Deep Silver tweeted the above, the Saints Row Twitter, not wanting to be left out, responded to an inquiry about Volition by saying that studio was making the next Saints Row game.
So, if Koch Media isn’t going to show any of the aforementioned games, what is it going to announce? It could be a wholly new IP, but if it’s not, then the only game series I can think of that are 1) published by Deep Silver, 2) not in the aforementioned list, and 3) haven’t had a new entry in the last couple of years is… I don’t know, Homefront? Maybe the Risen series? It’s hard to say, but fun to speculate. Deep Silver also tweeted out a link that it said everyone could use to watch the Koch Media show, to a site called “We Know Something You Don’t Know,” which… that’s cute.
Source: Twitter