The upcoming Crackdown game is set to offer a mash-up of single-player and multiplayer co-op. Its creative director, Ken Lobb, said that Crackdown for the Xbox One will allow for even more natural cooperative play than its predecessors in the series.
In both Crackdown and its sequel, Crackdown 2, players could pop into each others’ games without ever having to leave the campaign, but doing so interrupted play briefly for menu navigation. This is all about to change in the upcoming Crackdown for the Xbox One.
Lobb said in an interview with OXM that the new game will blur the distinction between single- and multiplayer modes.
"Crackdown was one of the first drop-in, drop-out co-op games, but we're going more towards 'there's just the game,'" Lobb said. "You're playing the game, it's single, it's co-op, it's a mash-up.
"Choose at will in the game, instead of hiding behind menus and loads and lobbies. Just make the gameplay as if it's one big thing."
In a previous report, Microsoft’s Phil Spencer talked about how the upcoming game is set to use elements of cloud computing courtesy of the Xbox One.