The folks over at 2K games have done an unboxing video of Bioshock 2 special edition reported earlier but behold there is also an ultimate uber edition which will retail for $14,999. I will dare not spoil it, except that it will most likely make your jaw drop with amazement so check out the full unboxing video below.
The Special Edition will retail for $99.99 for Xbox 360 and PS3, $89.99 for the PC and will be available February 9th, 2010. It will come in 13″x13″ premium packaging with special art on both the slipcase and the box cover. Inside, you will find three posters featuring vintage ads from Rapture (rolled), a vinyl 180g LP featuring the orchestral score from the original BioShock, a CD containing the BioShock 2 orchestral score, a 164 page 8″x11″ hardbound artbook chock full of developer commentary and, of course, a copy of BioShock 2.