Executive producer Charles Magnusson revealed in an interview that EA DICE is interested in the possibility of adding Co-op in the mix of game modes Bad Company 2 has to offer but due to time constraints and limited resources the studio is requesting the fans to be patient and have faith in the developers.
In an interview with Eurogamer.de, executive producer Charles Magnusson said,(translated using google translator)
We have decided once to integrate additional game modes in multiplayer mode. We must always decide what we implement. Our studio does not have infinite resources. Nevertheless, we want to integrate Koop(coop) in the game. The fans just need to have some patience and trust us.
After playing the recently released multi-player demo on the 360 it seems the gameplay has been built upon it’s predecessor rather than changing it completely making subtle yet defining changes has definitely helped the game but a new co-op is going to be a huge bonus.
So whether the co-op mode becomes a reality in the form of DLC or a free update it will only help Bad Company fans clock more hours on the battlefield and less performing mundane everyday activities.