Disintegration and its studio, V1 Interactive, had one major element that gave it some stable footing right away and that was its owner and creative director Marcus Lehto who helped found Halo under Bungie. This franchise was a mega-hit around the world as it gave players a thrilling action-packed science-fiction FPS. The Halo franchise is just as popular and relevant today as it was back when it first came out.
Since then Marcus had gone on to bring out a new studio known as V1 Interactive and an RTS with FPS elements title called Disintegration was their first big release. Unfortunately, that game didn’t get the traction that the studio was hoping for. It didn’t take very long after its release that the studio opted to shut down the servers for the multiplayer component. Even though the studio might have closed down the servers, it was looking like there were was plans to bring out something new but nothing at the moment was unveiled.
Now a new tweet from the official V1 Interactive Twitter account revealed that the studio was closing down its doors. This announcement was made to give their employees enough time to figure out their next move and find a new position to jump into. Regardless, it’s a bit unfortunate to see just what V1 Interactive could have done next after learning their lessons from what worked and what didn’t with their debut title release.
For now, it remains to be seen where Marcus Lehto will be jumping into after this closure. Still with over decades of experience with developing video game titles we’re eager to see where Marcus ends up going next along with the other talented individuals that worked under V1 Interactive. For now, you can check out our Before You Buy episode coverage of Disintegration down below.