Publisher Deep Silver has just posted a new CGI trailer of Piranha Bytes’ upcoming role-playing game Risen 3: Titan Lords, and have announced the game’s release date. The game is due for release on August 15 for the PC.
Risen 3 sees a return to the series’ medieval setting away from the pirate-themed swashbuckling of the second game and promises to be darker, and more gothic than ever before like its series predecessor, Gothic.
The trailer they released is entirely pre-rendered and shows a warrior doing battle against a demon of some kind, and a powerful skull-wearing mage.
"Bereft of his soul, a young warrior seeks for salvation and has to fight the soaring darkness. Even worse: In the whole world, skull caves rise from the grounds and spill creatures of the shadow on the earth. To win back his soul, our hero must fight the darkest threat of the Risen saga," reads the video description.
Watch it below.