Players will find ways to abuse the system no matter what game you play, and Diablo 3 is no exception, as some players join games to attain free bounty caches without committing any effort to their acquisition.
As it currently works in Diablo 3, players are able to get away with this because the Vote Kick system can only be used so often due to a long timer that kicks in after a successful kick vote has passed. Other players join in and abuse the system, knowing that they are unable to be kicked.
This is all about to change in the upcoming patch for Diablo 3. Blizzard has stated its plans to make it so that it will be possible to kick people out of both private and public games, and the vote kick timer will also be getting removed.
Here’s Community Manager Grimiku on the subject:
I’ve seen several threads concerned with the Vote Kick system recently, and I’ve got some news to share with you about it.
We’ve recently taken some time to reevaluate how Vote Kick was working and agree that it does have some problems in its current iteration. Public games (and private games too) have changed since Reaper of Souls launched, so the Vote Kick system definitely deserves a little attention to make sure that it still provides value to players, rather than being an inconvenience or a hindrance to group gameplay.
To assist with that, we’re removing some of the restrictions on when players can be Vote Kicked from a group (including the restriction that Vote Kick could only be used in public games), as well as reducing some of the cooldowns that trigger after a successful Vote Kick has occurred. The goal of these changes is to give multiplayer groups a bit more control over their party, while still preventing abuse of the system. We're currently on track to have these updates ready for an upcoming patch, but we don’t have an ETA to share at this point.