The Fatal Frame series got its start back in 2001, the last installment to hit the market for the series was in 2014, Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black water. Each installment mainly focused on supernatural ghosts that can only be seen through special camera lenses known as Camera Obscura. Going through the game involves not only using the camera to find these ghosts but using it to capture the ghosts ridding the area from being haunted.
This was also a massive survival horror game franchise in Japan that even warranted a film adaptation for the title back in 2014 which was well received, but that’s about last we’ve heard from the franchise. There’s no telling if we will ever get a new installment or not but with the likes of the Nintendo Switch, Fatal Frame could be a perfect fit on the system. Keisuke Kikuchi, the producer behind the IP, has spoken about the franchise before and his desire to see its release on the Nintendo Switch.
After all, having the ability to use the Nintendo Switch as a portable handheld gaming device does give developers some unique gameplay elements to the franchise in general. Although, there’s been no word on if a game installment was in the works for this franchise. Since we’re coming up on the big twentieth anniversary of this franchise, it’s a perfect opportunity to bring out a new installment.
Keisuke Kikuchi might also agree as he was recently covered in the latest Famitsu issue. The issue was covering several industry members about their 2020 year and what’s to come. According to Keisuke Kikuchi, he would like to celebrate the upcoming anniversary of Fatal Frame. It’s a big survival horror franchise and it’s become dormant much like the Silent Hill IP. Perhaps 2021 will be a revival of several iconic series with the latest generation of gaming available in the marketplace.