The protagonist of inFamous: Second Son, Delsin, has the ability to suck the powers out of other characters in the game to make them his own. Among the abilities available to players in the game are neon, smoke, video, and concrete.
Based on one of the missions in the game, it may be possible that we’ll see paper added to the list of abilities. The mission is called Paper Trail, and completing it provides you with an inmate number for which you can enter into the DUP intranet website. Here’s the solution to Part 4 of the Paper Trail mission (via redditor WearyMorlock), in case you’d like to figure it out for yourself.
But if you’re too lazy to figure it out on your own, here’s the dossier for one Celia Penderghast, who appears to have the ability to manipulate the powers of paper.
Assuming that paper does make it into the game, we’d be able to absorb its powers from the environment from things like newspaper stands and cardboard boxes. Unfortunately, unlike the powers of neon and smoke, paper isn’t exactly a renewable resource unless you like watching trees grow, so its inclusion as a power may not make the most sense in terms of gameplay.
At the very least, we’ll be able to do battle against Celia. After all, why all the missions?