The Shenmue series has been around for years and while the franchise only received two installments originally, the developers had intended for the game to last for years to come. Unfortunately, the amount of money required for the game to be built didn’t seem to make sense for the profits received and as a result, there have been fans waiting on a cliffhanger for several years. That finally changed when Shenmue 3 was revealed.
Thanks to the success of Kickstarter, there are all kinds of projects being developed. It’s been a way for video game developers to bypass publishers in order to receive the funds required to build the game intended. In return, the backers that pay for this game end up receiving different perks. There is a wide range of benefits for backing a game so we can’t list them out specifically. However, for those that backed Shenmue 3, players could receive a copy of the game through the Steam digital storefront.
That changed suddenly when Shenmue 3 was given exclusive year rights for the Epic Games Store. Of course, fans who wished to keep Shenmue 3 through the Steam digital storefront were given the promise of codes at a later date. Now that Shenmue 3 is available on the Steam marketplace, players should receive their codes for the game soon.
According to a recent update on the official Kickstarter campaign for Shenmue 3, it looks like Steam codes are almost ready and they should be sent out soon. As a result, you will need to check your email for the survey link that’s being sent out to the various applicable backers. While this is a long wait for Steam players, the game has been available as mentioned through the Epic Games Store along with the PlayStation 4 platform. We even have a Before You Buy video on the video game which you can view down below.
Source: Kickstarter