Sony has announced that Star Wars Battlefront II and Call of Duty: WWII will highlight the PS Plus titles for the month of June.
Announced on the PlayStation Blog, Sony has dropped some of the most shocking news when it comes to this month’s PlayStation Plus titles. It has been revealed that not one, but two Triple-A titles will highlight this month’s PS Plut lineup. Both Star Wars Battlefront II and Call of Duty: WWII will be free this month as a part of Sony’s PS Plus titles for the month of June. Both of these titles offer rich campaign modes and an extensive multiplayer scene.
Earlier this week, Microsoft has announced their Games with Gold titles and it features games from both current and last generation of consoles. The lineup will also offer up 2200 in Gamerscore and over $60 in value. Coffee Talk, Shantae, and the Pirate’s Curse, Destroy All Humans! and Sine Mora will all be free this month.
Well, there you have it. Here are all the games that will be free as a part of Sony and Microsofts free titles of the month. Let us know in the comments down below which game you are most excited to play.
Source: PS Blog