Nothing can be simple when it comes to legendary designer Hideo Kojima and his long-running Metal Gear Solid franchise. Instead of releasing one giant open-world product in 2014, Konami plans on shipping the shorter Ground Zeroes before the true introduction of The Phantom Pain. The stunted experience will be available on both old and new hardware, and Kojima took to Twitter today to explain the differences between these versions.
"I've been asked which ver u should buy. The feel of play & impression's similar as it's been made multiplatform/multigen this time. Sense of realism & graphics looks much better in next gen. So I'd say current-gen for those who can't buy next gen just yet & upgrade later."
"FYI, the world ranking of mission result/trial grade in GZ differs to each platform. The feel of play/difficulty levels are the same as we consider slight difference parts found in each hardware, controls or frame rate."
Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes will introduce players to the many new mechanics being added to the series March 18. The Fox Engine game will be available on Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One, and PS4, and will be both a physical and digital product.