When it comes to PC video games, there are several different clients you can download in order to get easy access to marketplaces. For years, the biggest client available for PC gamers was the Valve Steam platform. It’s been around for years and with it, gamers not only have a wide choice of titles to purchase but a slew of different features such as user reviews and achievements. However, it wasn’t long ago that we got a real competitor against Steam which was the Epic Games Store.
After the success Epic Games had lately with Fortnite, they decided to open up a competitive video game marketplace against Steam. It would offer a means to purchase and download video games, but more importantly, it offered a better revenue cut than Steam which prompted publishers to bring their video game titles on Epic Games Store. However, that wasn’t going to be enough to warrant more users to step away from Valve’s Steam platform and use the newly introduced EGS client.
As a result, Epic Games started to make deals with different IP owners that would bring the video game titles exclusively on the Epic Games Store for a duration of time. Again, with the revenue cut and a profitable deal through Epic Games, it was an easy choice for several companies to bring their titles over to EGS well before they are released on Steam. This has prompted a big war online with gamers upset at Epic Games Store along with the IP owners and it’s still something that is brought up from time-to-time when a big game is announced as an EGS exclusive.
With that said, it was surprising for some users online to Google search Steam Store for it to only showcase a vulgar website description. The description stated “F*ck Epic Games Store” which seems like Valve was making a shot towards EGS. That wasn’t the case as Google crawls through the website and displays content in the website description. It just happened to capture a user review over Metro Exodus who was venting over his frustration of having to wait for the game to reach Steam.