THQ Nordic has quite a few subsidiary video game studios in its control and they are certainly for expanding. It wasn’t long ago that the company opened up a studio in Japan and now we’re getting word of a new studio being established called Nine Rocks Games. While the specifics of the games being developed from this new studio will remain a secret, we do know what type of game is being developed along with who is taking the head position of this studio.
The news was announced through a press release that was posted on Gamasutra. Apparently, THQ Nordic’s Nine Rocks Games will be based in Bratislava, Slovakia. While the offices are being established and more developers will likely be hired, we know that the head of this studio will be David Durcak. For those of you who are not familiar with the name, David helped bring out the game DayZ which will certainly help him with this new IP. According to the press release, the new game will be a shooter/survival title. Helping David out in this development project will be devs who had worked on an assortment of games including DayZ, Soldier of Fortune 3, Conan, and Chaser.
The CEO of THQ Nordic also left a comment stating that this all came together because of how everything just fell right into place. With enough meaningful conversations, it seems that this studio is already in a great start with this new IP project. Unfortunately, it will likely be a good while before we are given any new information about this game project. For now, THQ Nordic has quite a few video game titles being published this year alone such as Desperados III, Destroy All Humans! and Darksiders Genesis.