Xixo Games Studio have released their new trailer for their upcoming game — Enchanted Portals, and it has gained a lot of traction due to the game’s similarity to a major Xbox exclusive!
Yes, if you saw the trailer already, you can already see the similarities between the two. It’s cool to inspire another developer to create something in the same vein, however, the internet seems to believe that this isn’t inspiration as it looks more like plagiarism.
There’s a mixed reaction for Enchanted Portals, on one hand it looks awesome, its as if Cuphead created its own genre and fans can experience new versions of that style of game. However, on the other hand, it looks like a blatant ripoff. To the point that the boss battle sequences are ripped from Cuphead. Perhaps this is a test demo to help gain some popularity on the internet and when the official game comes out it’ll be totally different? I’m not sure.
Check out the trailer for Enchanted Portals down below:
Enchanted Portals is currently getting ready for their Kickstarter campaign and now that most of the gaming community sees it in action, I wonder how many will decide to back the project. It’s definitely an awesome looking game, but the downright copying of Cuphead from its gameplay, style, music, boss battle sequences and more are a little bit worrisome.
However, what do you think about Enchanted Portals? Think it looks cool? Thinking about backing the project? Let us know in the comments below!