If you recall back in the late 1990s there were two big arcade hits from Sega. We’re referring to the House of the Dead franchise and while both the two main installments were featured in arcades worldwide, it was also ported to consoles. Now the franchise has been laying rather dormant but that doesn’t mean Sega has forgotten about the IP altogether. It seems that the first two installments will be receiving a remake for current-generation platforms.
It was unveiled that developers Forever Entertainment has been working with Sega to deliver the remakes for the first two installments for House of the Dead. While the storyline will remain the same, it does appear that we’ll get a big overhaul on the game visually. With that said, what made the video games were the on-the-rails shooting mechanics as you gunned down monsters while progressing through the video game campaign.
Another aspect behind the success of the video game titles is that there were light guns available to mimic the video game arcade version of the game. We don’t know if we’ll see anything in terms of light guns release alongside the video game for current-generation platforms, but then again, being such a key part of the video game franchise in general, it would be hard to see it launch without something to help mimic the old school arcade gameplay fun.
Right now it’s a waiting game to see how these remakes are handled. Perhaps we’ll see something come out before the end of this year in terms of a trailer or screenshots, but that is just hopeful speculation on our part.
Source: PSU, Graczposplita