Following the release of a host of new information on the dual part Burial at Sea DLC for BioShock Infinite earlier today Irrational has released a teaser video for the first chapter of the expansion.
The video, below, is made like a documentary and asks if the underwater city of Rapture is a modern day Atlantis and says that Andrew Ryan's metropolis was believed to be a myth until a items from the city washed ashore in New England.
Following an anonymous tip-off the doctumentarians find someone in upstate New York who is believed to have come from Rapture – upon seeing a picture of Booker and Elizabeth she slams the door closed on the film crew.
Lead level designer Andres Gonzales has said Burial at Sea will blend BioShock and Infinite.
"We rebalanced everything to be more toward resource management and stealth, which changes the way that the encounters play, It’s more player-initiated. You hear enemies off in the distance. Because these are BioShock Infinite systems, tweaked to create the experience of the original, it’s sort of a hybrid of the two. We had to create the environments to support that gameplay.”
The teaser didn't provide a release date for Burial at Sea Episode One. You can watch the DLC's announcement trailer here.